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Moulded Parts, Profiles, Sheets


For the production of foamed rubber articles an optimum dispersion of the foaming agent in the matrix is very important. On this basis we recommend our foaming agent powders which are coated with special dispersing agents for a better processing.  Our portfolio also includes foaming agents predispersed in EPDM for an easy handling.

The foaming agents can be delivered in customized preweighed meltable sachets.

Our technical service team is looking forward to render qualified and target oriented advice.


Product Selection

Foaming Agent Pastes
and oil-treated Powders
Decomposition TemperatureRemarks
TRACEL® K 3/95ca. 140°Coil-treated, dust-free powder
TRACEL® K 5/95ca. 130°Coil-treated, dust-free powder
TRACEL® ADC 5/90 Pca. 200°Ccoated with dispersing agent
TRACEL® OBSH 75 KPca. 160°Ccoated with dispersing agent
TRACEL® OBSH 80 P-RWca. 160°Ccoated with dispersing agent, for smooth surfaces
TRACEL® SR 165/75 Kca. 165°Ccoated with dispersing agent
TRACEL® TSH 75 K1Pca. 145°Cpaste, exothermic
EPR-bound Foaming Agents
TRACEL® ADC 3/75 EPR-1ca. 200°CAzodicarbonamide predispersed in EPR
TRACEL® OBSH 75 EPR-1ca. 160°COBSH predispersed in EPR
Basic Foaming Agents
TRACEL® OBSH 160 NERca. 160°COBSH, exotherm
UNICELL D 200 Aca. 210°CAzodicarbonamidd, exothermic
UNICELL D 800ca. 210°CAzodicarbonamide, exothermic
UNICELL Hca. 110°Cp-toluolsulfonylhydrazidd, exothermic
UNICELL BM zinc dibenzolsulfinat (ZDBS)
UNICELL TM zinc dibenzolsulfinat (ZDBS)
UNIPASTE N3S modified urea

Our product recommendations and technical advice are based on careful investigation and are to our best knowledge but are without guarantee. Users have to test for themselves whether our products perform properly in their application.

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