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PVC - Extrusion

Tramaco's foaming agents for PVC-extrusion are adapted to match diverse stabilizer systems and foaming processes (free foam, celuka, coextrusion). For a consistent dosage our foaming agents are available in various delivery forms and with different active agent content.

The foaming agents can be delivered in customized preweighed meltable sachets.

Our technical service team is looking forward to give you qualified and solution-oriented advice.


Product Selection

Foaming Agent Masterbatches (polymer bound)Decomposition Temperature  Remarks
TRACEL® TSE 3140 ACR MICROca. 140°Cfree foam sheets and profiles, exo-/endothermic
TRACEL® TSE 3142 ACKca. 140°Cfree foam sheets and profiles, exothermic
TRACEL® TSE 7135 ACR135 - 190°CCeluka sheets and profiles, coarse cell structure, endothermic
TRACEL® TSE 7142 TP 1102ca. 140°Cfree foam sheets and profiles, exo-/endothermic
TRACEL® TSE 7145 ACR135 - 190°CCelukaplatte und -profil, feine Schaumstruktur, exo-/endotherm
TRACEL® G 3191 SVAca. 170°Cfoam core pipes, exothermic
TRACEL® G 5138 MFWca. 170°Cfoam core pipes, exothermic
TRACEL® G 5142 SVAca. 160°Cfoam core pipes, exothermic
TRACEL® G 5172 SVAca. 170°Cfoam core pipes, exothermic
TRACEL® G 5193 SVAca. 170°Cfoam core pipes, exothermic
Foaming Agent Powders
TRACEL® DB 140ca. 140°Cfree foam sheets and profiles, exo-/endothermic
TRACEL® DB 170 FINEca. 150°Cfree foam sheets and profiles, exothermic
TRACEL® DB 161135 - 220°CCeluka sheets and profiles, exo-/endothermic
TRACEL® NC 135135 - 190°CCeluka sheets and profiles, coarse cell structure, endothermic
TRACEL® NC 135 XF130 - 190°CCeluka sheets and profiles, finer cell structure, endothermic
TRACEL® NC AK 13135 - 200°CCeluka sheets and profiles, fine cell structure, exo-/endothermic
TRACEL® DB 145 NER FEINca. 140°Cfoam core pipes, free foam sheets and profiles, exothermic
TRACEL® DB 145/50 PVCca. 140°Cfree flowing powder, predispersed in PVC, exothermic

Our product recommendations and technical advice are based on careful investigation and are to our best knowledge but are without guarantee. Users have to test for themselves whether our products perform properly in their application.

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